Below are coupons for our current specials and discount promotions.
We appreciate your business, so we offer you the following opportunities to save.
Simply click on any of the coupons below, which will open the printer friendly coupon page.
To receive your discount, please present your coupon at
any time before we leave your home on the day of service.
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Refer a Friend or Relative
~ $25 / $25 ~
    We are confident that you will be satisfied and pleased with the quality of our service.  
This is very important to us, as the vast majority of our workload comes from satisfied
customers, like you, passing our name on to your friends, neighbors, and relatives.
In doing so, you give us another opportunity to build a lasting relationship.
As a way of thanking you for these opportunities, and as 
a token of our appreciation, we offer you the following gift:
When you refer someone to us, and we perform a paid service for that person,
we will mail you a check for $25.  We will also give the new customer a $25
discount from the cost of their service. This offer will then apply to them as well.
The same person or any member of the same household may not be named as Recipient 
 more than one time, but there is no limit to the number of recipients you may name.
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Mail to:
Brantley Plumbing & Heating, LLC
10806 Acme Avenue
Woodstock, MD 21163